Sunday, June 14, 2009


Ok so I know that I have committed the the biggest sin in blogging (my last entry was months ago!!!) however in my own defense, the past few months have been busy and productive. I have completed and passed in final assignments, polished off exams, began my first post graduate job and now I am only days away from my graduation ceremony at Algonquin College.

So what's it like being a newbie? WONDERFUL! I am currently employed by a high tech firm specializing in telephony software, software engineering and professional services in Kanata called InGenius. When hired on by this firm their claim was that they were "FUN". At first I chuckled thinking that "Fun and High Tech" never belonged in the same sentence but then I quickly realized that this company really was fun and not your typical stuffy high tech company. Its a place where the CTO shows up to work in a Hawaiian shirt, the CEO organizes Star Trek company movie nights, and the software engineers and account executives not only get along but actually enjoy each others company! Right away, I knew I would fit in...these people do not operate with an in-the-box mentality.

My official role at InGenius is Marketing and Support. I have only been there for a month and a half however I have learned a lot about product development, branding, event organization, product testing, and project management. As a new graduate I am gaining a vast amount of knowledge in a large number of marketing areas. My first passion is Marketing Communications and Advertising (particularly on the agency side), but working at InGenius has really developed my understanding and appreciation for marketing from the client's perspective. InGenius is really helping me develop my marketing skills while providing me with a wealth of knowledge in various business areas.

My advice to any new graduate would be to find a job that will help you develop your skills as a marketer and as a future business professional. You may not be able to work in the exact industry or in the exact job you want right away, but gaining more business and marketing knowledge will only help support your progress to where you eventually want to be. I think it is also important to remember that as a new graduate we have a very narrow view of what career possibilities are available. Entering into a job that will support your learning and progress is the best step to realizing your own potential and opportunities as a marketer.

Finally, Congratulations to all the Algonquin College graduates!