Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Be true to you and get rid of the Chicken!

Ever wonder what would happen if you listened to the little voice inside your head. You know the one that tells you to take a chance and to trust yourself. Why is it so hard to listen to this voice and to speak up and voice your opinions and ideas?

Theory 1: School made me do it!
Take all the assignments, presentations and tests you had in school. They are all in place to fit you on a scale in terms of how well you followed the directions and regurgitated the main ideas and concepts back to the person marking the assessment. It appears we are taught at a very young age to start giving people exactly what THEY are looking for. Don't colour outside the lines, make sure you use this formula to derive the answer, and please avoid using ideas that have never been used before because what we use now works.

Theory 2: My ideas are not as important as yours.
Being new to the business game you don't have the experience that many seasoned veterans possess. Perhaps it is best if you listen, take direction and follow industry norms from the professionals. After all, they didn't get to where they are without knowing a thing or two.

This is it...the real reason for not listening to your own voice. You're chicken! You're afraid your ideas will be laughed at, put down, or even reprimanded. The worst part of it all is that you think this is the worst thing that could happen. Realistically though, the worst thing that can happen is that you don't voice your really great idea and you miss out on a great opportunity to shine. An opportunity to prove to yourself (NOT OTHERS...PROVE TO YOURSELF) that your ideas have merit.

My challenge for the remainder of this short week and the remainder of my career is to start believing and trusting in my little voice telling me to speak up and to take a chance. Today is the first day of many that I am going to step up to show myself just what I can do. I dare you to do the same!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tradeshows, what's missing?

Banners, booths, brochures oh my!

Trade show floors packed with people vying for a few moments of your time trying to lure you in with candy, toys, pens, t-shirts or other bits of clever marketing swag but I can't help but think that something is missing. In my opinion, it feels slightly like speed dating where people come to your booth for a few moments to gather as much information about you, your company and your product before moving on to the next booth and placing the marketing materials and business card they acquired from you into their trick-or-treat bag with all the other materials from potential business relationship partners. There is so much noise that it is hard to really hear any messages because everyone is "shouting".

So what's missing from trade shows? A comforting silence.

I think the best idea for booth graphics, marketing materials, staffing choices and overall messaging for trade shows is to keep it simple. The less-is-more approach will not only stand out from the masses but may give your potential customer the comforting silence they are sorely missing. Your new potential customer will have the opportunity to relax and get to know you, your company and what you have to offer without being overwhelmed by the noise.

Monday, October 4, 2010

First step to recovery: I have a problem!

Well it has been over a YEAR since my last blog entry and I hear a large "tisk tisk tisk" coming from the blogging community. If you read my ancient entries you will see that I have an issue with maintaining my blog at regular intervals. In an attempt to remedy my blogging woes, I have decided to commit a little bit of me time every other day to blog, or as Jeff Pulver put it, "leave behind digital bread crumbs to get motivation from later" (#140conf). So let the crumb trial begin...