Thursday, March 5, 2009

Well write this in the baby book....FIRST BLOG, MARCH 5, 2009.

Over the past few weeks I have been discussing with friends and classmates the who, what, when, where, and why of blogging. After much deliberation I have come to the conclusion that I need to experience blogging and what it may or may not have to offer. I am like any small town Nova Scotian with a naturally flowing gift to gab and a passion for being social. How hard will it really be to translate my crazy ideas, verbal rants and classic stories to a blog post? As the weeks and months unfold I guess we shall see. To all those other "first timers" out there..."Come on everybody's doing it!" Secome to the peer pressure and join in on the experience.


  1. Great start Sarah.
    Do not worry things will just work out fine. Please check my blog at:

    See you in class.

    Hassan El-Achmar....

  2. Well it was just a moment of time till one of us broke down and made a blog. I think it is great though that you did. I am telling you though the uggs, crocks and facebookers of the world are taking over and now it is blogging!! In the words of Piglet Ohhh d-d-d-dear.

    I think the biggest thing that has kept me from blogging is that I don't know what to talk about really. I can blab about random stuff but you can only do that for so long. I made a twitter account a while back and have used it randomly for a while now but it's so weird. All you really can do it say a statues of some type and hope that someone sees it. But what happens if someone doesn't? Then what?
